Investui is a brand name and a service of the multi-award-winning broker WH SelfInvest*. This financial institution is known for its legendary service and has been serving retail investors since 1998. WH SelfInvest has offices in the Netherlands, Belgium, France, Luxembourg, Switzerland and Germany.
WH SelfInvest ...
is licensed by demanding regulators.
is a consistent winner of prestigious awards.
is known for its outstanding order execution and legendary service.
has offices in six European countries.
serves retail investors since 1998.
Investui is a modern way of investing. A combination of four strategies and four instruments guarantees a robust diversification. In the past, a trading portfolio managed by experienced traders was not available to most private investors. Investui has opened the door to all retail investors with a simple, transparent and cost-efficient solution.
All client monies are segregated and deposited in quality banks.
Depending on which account type and which country you choose, one of these banks serves as depository bank. Our partner banks are members of their local asset protection schemes. The peace of mind and the safety of your funds provided by WH SelfInvest is above the industry average.
Account balances do not receive an interest. If account balances are charged an interest or other costs, the cost may be passed on to the client.
Funding the account can be done by money transfer to a 'client assets' account held at one of the depository banks indicated above. The cost is € 5. Due to regulatory requirements WH SelfInvest will only accept transfers coming from a bank account in the name of the account holder. Transfers from third parties, including family members, cannot be accepted. The money will automatically be posted to your account.
Account security is important. For your security we only accept a transfer out instruction signed by the account holder(s). Transfer out costs are € 5 for amounts < € 30.000 and 0,10% (with a maximum of € 50) for amounts > € 30.000. Use the transfer form and fax or e-mail it to us.
Investui clients can choose between a Futures account or a CFD-Forex account. The differences are limited. Both these instruments have a low transaction cost, are very liquid and are suitable to implement every Investui market alert.
Futures have the advantage of being quoted on an exchange. Their price is derived from all the orders sent by buyers and sellers to one exchange. CFD-Forex have the advantage of allowing smaller positions. Their prices are quoted by market makers and are either derived from listed instruments or in the case of forex from supply and demand.
Read this if you are not yet familiar with these instruments.
For a managed account we recommend an account minimum of € 25.000. The account minimum is € 10.000. For a non-managed account the account minimum is € 5.000.
* WH SelfInvest S.A., founded in 1998, has a broker license (no. 42798), a commissionaire license (no. 36399) and an asset management license (no. 1806) issued by the Luxembourg Ministry of Finance. The company is supervised by the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (CSSF). Based on its European passport, the company has a representative office in Belgium which is also subject to the supervision of the Financial Services and Market Authority (FSMA), a representative office in the Netherlands which is also subject to the supervision of the Financial Markets Authority (AFM), a branch office in France which is also subject to the supervision of the 'Autorité de Contrôle Prudentiel et de Résolution' (ACPR) and the 'Banque de France', a branch office in Germany which is also subject to the supervision of the 'Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht' (BAFIN). In addition, WH SelfInvest has a representative office in Switzerland which is also subject to the supervision of the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA).